Why travellers like The Cloverleaf Super Luxury Villa ?
Guests can use the wireless Internet access (Wi-Fi). There is an opportunity to buy the souvenirs right at the hotel. On a hot day, the guests can swim in the outdoor swimming pool. There is a garden planted nearby the hotel. Guests of the hotel can rest and relax by the bar. You can rent a car right at the hotel. For the convenience of tourists, there is a mini-market on site. A parking lot on the territory is offered to all the car owners. Payment for services is possible with bank cards: American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Diners Club, JCB, Maestro, Discover, UnionPay debit card, UnionPay credit card.
Is available online booking on The Cloverleaf Super Luxury Villa ?
With the help of our website, you can book The Cloverleaf Super Luxury Villa in few clicks. While choosing the dates of the planned trip, review the available variants and click "Reserve". In just a few minutes, you will receive a confirmation letter on your e-mail.

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